TCN-NCF-7N(V32) Commercial Coffee Vending Machine

TCN combines the best coffee preparation technology with the latest electronic performance. The results are nothing short of exciting.End users improve their experience with a variety of high-quality grinding technologies, secure smartphone options and payment processes.Operators can rely on new machines with proven technology capable of providing digital solutions such as full HD touchscreens, integrated connectivity that allows remote management of the machine, coffee brewing solutions.

TCN opens up new business opportunities: browsing product categories allows you to create personalized menus and promotions. Thanks to its elegant design and small footprint, this model overcomes the traditional boundaries of vending points.


coffee vending machine

? Coffee beans grinder: Fresh ground coffee beans,on site making coffee beans into coffee drinks,coffee powder grinding fitness регулируемый.

? Tidy: visible operation process through glass showcase.

? Variety: material boxes for Ingredients like: milk, Coco Powder, Sugar,Tea Powder, Lemon Powder, etc.

? Intelligent: High technology automatic mechanical operation with robot arm delivery.

? Safe: Anti-clamping door preventing hand clamping.

? Convenient: Visualizing touch screen purchasing enhance fine buying experience.

? Tasty: High temperature&amppressure extracting technology keeps the coffee nutrition and gives natural mellow taste.

? Anti-theft: integrated anti-theft door with electronic lock.

? Precision: High precision weighting sensor control each cups coffeebean’s using assuring the stable tasting.

? Accurate: Hot water at 92 degrees Celsius, the best temperature for coffee.

? Anti-blocking: fast slid down powder material aisles and dry keepingway avoid blocking.

? Water supply: Bottled water and pipe water switch easily.

? More cups: 4 buckets to hold cups,160 cups in total.

? With lid: Portable and without spillage





Combined Coffee Vending Machine

Внешние размеры

Высота: 1940мм, Ширина: 735мм, Глубина:790 mm



Number of cartridges


Coffee beans capacity


Тип of drink

20 kinds


5-92°C (регулируется)

Water supply method

Bottled water/tap water

Android APP


Operating client computer


Operating client phone


Входное напряжение

AC 100-240V, 50/60HZ

LCD Экран

32 дюймов touchable